House renovation

Ironcladresources offers tailored solutions to meet your site's needs and completes the next stages of tailings facility development. Our skilled miners make sure that the correct material is used to build embankments and that they are compacted correctly. We use our vast expertise in tailings construction to provide high-quality services, whether you need embankment fill sorting and processing, loading, trucking, and placement, liner installation, or MSE wall building.

Tailings are the parts of the ore that remain after the beneficiation process but have a low percentage of precious components and cannot be used for production. Tailings are classified as industrial solid waste. To safeguard the environment and minimize dangers, we must build adequate tailings storage facilities (TSFs) to manage the tailings.

We prioritize tailings facility safety, accept our obligations, and work to adopt optimal management methods and best practices throughout the tailings facility's lifecycle. We use a sustainable development approach to maximize environmental and human rights protection, which includes fully utilizing tailings and restoring the environment and governance when the facilities are closed. We are responsible for the whole life cycle of tailings storage facilities, including closure and post-closure, and safety is our number one concern. We evaluate social, environmental, local, and technical factors comprehensively.

We developed the Whole Life Management Process Standard for Tailings Storage Facilities and the Safety Management Specification for Tailings Storage Facilities, which cover the entire life cycle of tailings facilities, including design, construction, operation, closure, and postclosure.