Scope Of Work
De-mucking of six existing CCR and Coal Pile Runoff ponds. 340,000 cy of material hauled to an offsite MSW landfill. Managing of all contact waters through the plant’s existing water treatment processes. Clean closure of the ponds to State specifications.
Project Description
Ironcladresources was given the contract to excavate four disused CCR basins, two coal pile runoff ponds, and an ash stack region in order to rebuild the property for a future power generation plant. The 90-acre project includes draining the existing basins, visual inspection to confirm clean closure and achieve closure grades, and backfilling the ponds to match neighboring grades. All excavated items were transported to a private, third-party municipal solid waste disposal.
Ironcladresources transported 620,00 cubic yards of ash and contaminated soil material 25 kilometers to a private trash company-operated MSW dump. After the ponds were cleaned, nearly 700,000 cubic yards of additional soil were imported to backfill the excavated areas and match the surrounding grades. The imported fill was compacted to 95% standard grade to facilitate the future redevelopment of the former coal generating plant location with a new generating unit. Provisions for addressing buried asbestos throughout the site we in place throughout the project.